Lesson series
Mastering Machinery: Thresher and Tractor Safety Essentials for Soybean Growers
This course will empower learners ensure a safe and productive environment when operating threshers and tractors.
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This course was developed by:
Dr. Salah Fuad Issa
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Dr. Salah Issa is Assistant Professor, Agricultural & Industrial Safety and Health at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a member of the Multi-Crop Thresher Team at the Feed the Future Soybean Innovation Lab. Dr. Issa's research is focused on injury prevention through predictive algorithms, evaluating new technologies and implementing technologies that reduce or remove hazards. Recognizing that agriculture ranks among the deadliest occupations with injury rates remaining fairly stable since 1990's, he is exploring new strategies in training, and prevention. One of his focus areas is in testing solutions to handle out of condition issues facing grain handling and storage industry with the aim or reducing grain entrapments.