Dr. Glen Hartman is a research plant pathologist for the
United States Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service
(USDA-ARS), a Professor in the Department of Crop Sciences at the University of
Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and a principal investigator for the Soybean
Innovation Lab. His work addresses significant challenges faced by soybean
producers through his research on soybean diseases and pests. His research
includes differentiating pathogens and pests that attack soybeans and providing
management strategies for these pests.
Dr. Harun Muthuri Murithi is a post-doctoral researcher for
the United States Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service
(USDA-ARS) and is a plant pathologist for the Soybean Innovation Lab. His
research focuses on identifying soybean pathogens, characterizing the isolates
and rating key diseases and pests in the Pan African Trials. He is interested
in host-pathogen interactions to understand the mechanisms of pathogen
development in order to guide in development of control interventions. He is
also conducting research on red leaf blotch of soybean, a fungus that is native
to Africa. He aims to identify sources of resistance that can be used in management
of the disease. He has over nine years of experience working on soybean
pathogens, with particular emphasis on soybean rust from his time spent as a
researcher for the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in
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